Oil Paintings by Ginny Page

Internationally renowned realist oil painter

This website will give you insight into Ginny Page's world of painting.

Ginny Page originates from Lincolnshire, England. Ginny solely works in oil on canvas or panel. Her style is realistic and elements are painted with intense observation and accuracy for the subject. The motifs are personal expressions generally illustrating beauty and fragility in combination. She started painting at the age of 10 in rural Lincolnshire where the first sources of inspiration arose.
Ginny Page studied at Lincoln College of Art and Design, and continued to paint and exhibited in Canada and England before she came to Denmark in 1985, were she resides today.

Today Ginny has pronounced success with her own works and portraiture commissions internationally and in Denmark. She has been working as a fulltime professionel artist since 1985, and is exhibiting in England, Netherlands, Italy, USA, Denmark, Spain, Scotland, Ireland, Northen Ireland, Sweden at venues like Art Academies, Art Societies, Art Galleries and Art Museums.

Ginny is elected member of The Society of Women Artists (SWA) in England and
The Danish Women’s Artist Association (KKS - "Kvindelige Kunstneres Samfund")

Please contact Ginny Page by Email for further information.
Join "Ginny Page Art" on Facebook if you want to be invited to future exhibitions, get updated on news or just want to follow Ginny Page Art.
Follow "Ginny Page Art" on Instagram and see artwork in progress.

  • "Visit Ginny Page in her Studio. Art Video 2019"

    See my latest video and take a look in my studio and see some of my paintings and why I did them.
    11 minutes Art Video produced by "Page Bros Productions" - www.pagebros.dk.

  • "Portraiture"

    Please contact me if you are interested in commissioning a portrait. Personal portraits have taken on a new revival in this day and age where the modern digital social medias produce "portraits" in the form of selfies every second or minute without capturing the person within. A portrait painted with oil on canvas or panel, demands time and during the process the interaction between the sitter and the artist will uncover layers. A personal portrait is a valuable gift which will last forever throughout generations. Please contact Ginny Page for more information.

    Read more about portraiture by Ginny Page

  • "Visit Ginny Page in her Studio. Art Video 2018"

    Enjoy this action packed Art Video produced by "Page Bros Productions" (www.pagebros.dk) and original music by "The Royal Air Force" (www.traf.uk).


      February 2025
      Ginny Page – Pittrice Realista a Olio.

      Arte Genova 2025
      Paraglione B – Stand 97 – MEGA Art Gallery
      Ginny Page è una pittrice realista ad olio dedita a catturare l'essenza della vita attraverso la sua arte. La sua vera ossessione è trasformare i diari personali in tele, immortalando attimi fugaci che risuonano nel presente.
      Le sue opere spesso contengono simbolismi nascosti, Riflettendo la natura transitoria della vita. Nata in Inghilterra nel 1963, Ginny ha studiato al Lincoln College of Art and Design nel 1980 ed è un’artista a tempo pieno in Danimarca dal 1985. Con oltre 35 anni di esperienza, è specializzata in ritratti, nature morte e arte figurativa. Lo stile naturalistico di Ginny si distingue per l'osservazione meticolosa e la precisione.
      Nelle sue opere crea complesse illusioni, raffigurando riflessi e distorsioni su vetro, argento e porcellana. Le sue composizioni di nature morte presentano spesso delicati insetti, gocce d'acqua luccicanti, conchiglie intricate e uova rotte, mostrando il fascino delle forme organiche. Le sue figure a grandezza naturale sono frequentemente vestite in seta o pizzo, incarnando elegantemente i temi della fragilità e della bellezza all'interno della forma umana. Ispirandosi ai maestri rinascimentali, Ginny utilizza una tavolozza limitata e costruisce la profondità attraverso strati di pittura ad olio diluita. Nelle sue opere più recenti, dal tocco sottilmente surreale, incorpora tecniche tradizionali come l'embossing e la doratura, utilizzando foglie d'oro, rame e argento arricchite da effetti di patinatura unici. Le opere di Ginny sono state esposte in Inghilterra, nei Paesi Bassi, in Italia, negli Stati Uniti, in Danimarca, in Spagna, in Scozia, in Irlanda, in Irlanda del Nord e in Svezia, in sedi prestigiose tra cui la Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, la Royal Scottish Academy di Edimburgo, la Royal Hibernian Academy of Arts di Dublino e la Royal Society of British Artists di Londra, tra le altre.
      È una orgogliosa membro di:
      • Society of Women Artists (SWA, England)
      • The Danish Women’s Artist Association (KKS)
      • Portrait Society of America (PSoA)

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ February 2025
      Exhibition - "Arte Genova 2025" Genova, Italy.

      I am happy to announce that I in February will be exhibiting at one of Italy's largest art fairs ArteGenova with more than 150 Galleries from all over Italy. I have 3 oil paintings represented by Mega Art Gallery. The venue is in the Genova harbour at the huge exhibition center "Jean Nouvel Pavilion" from 14 - 16 of February 2025.

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ January 2025
      Finalist - "Modportrait 2024" Competition, Barcelona, Spain.

      I am totally thrilled to announce that my oil painting "Unfold" has been selected as a finalist for the Modportrait 2024!
      Thank you so much to the members of the jury for choosing my painting and congratulations to all other incredible talented artists who have been selected!
      The final selected works will be exhibited at the Real Círculo Artístico in Barcelona, Spain, from 24th of March to 21st of April 2025.
      "Unfold" - Oil on panel - 77 x 90 cm

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ January 2025
      Censored exhibition - "Royal Society of British Artists (RBA) Annual 202nd Exhibition 2025", at Mall Galleries, London, England

      I'm delighted and very grateful to the Royal Society of British Artists (RBA) for accepting three of my paintings for their Annual Exhibition 2025.
      This is the sixth time I have had the honour of exhibiting with the RBA! (first time was in 2020). After the Royal Academy (RA) the RBA is oldest exhibiting society in Britain, founded in 1823.
      The exhibition will be at Mall Galleries, The Mall, London from 26. February to 8. March 2025 (Admission £6)

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ December 2024
      Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

      What an amazing year 2024 has been with 23 exhibitions in England, Jersey, Italy, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Netherlands and Denmark at 19 different exhibition venues.
      I feel truly blessed and grateful to have been given all these incredible opportunities. I have met so many wonderful artists, gallery owners, customers and art lovers in 2024 and have especially enjoyed meeting with many talented young artists. Such an inspiration!
      Heart felt thanks to everybody: galleries, customers, societies, academies, and friends for supporting my work and your positive response which is greatly appreciated!
      Next year, 2025, will be just as exciting and already planned is:
      - Solo Exhibition "SIMPLE PLEASURES" at Wilma Geerts Galerie in Dordrect, Netherlands (thank you Wilma Geerts for this opportunity!)
      - Art Fair in Italy
      - Society of Women Artists annual exhibition
      and many other venues to come.
      I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a VERY Happy and Healthy New Year!

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ December 2024
      Finalist - "Portrait Society of America" annual members competition, USA.

      I am proud to announce that my oil painting "The Departure" has been selected FINALIST in the category "Still Life" in the "Portrait Society of America" annual members competition. The Portrait Society of America is a +25 years old organisation. The purpose of the Portrait Society is to foster and enhance an understanding of the practice, techniques and applications of traditional fine art portraiture and figurative works.

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ December 2024
      Exhibition - Gallery Il Leone Art - Group Exhibition "A Window On International Contemporary Art", Rome, Italy.

      I am so excited to have two oil paintings (oil on canvas) at the group exhibition "A Window On International Contemporary Art" curated by MegaArt in Italy, at the Gallery Il Leone situated in the historic center of Rome.
      The exhibition is from 13. to 22. December!

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2024
      Censored Exhibition - GALLERY OXO - Shortlisted for THE BRITISH ART PRIZE 2024, London, England

      I am so excited that my oil painting "Broken Tulips" has been shortlisted for THE BRITISH ART PRIZE 2024!
      Out of thousands of applications 50 art works have been shortlisted, congratulations to all the artists who made it to the final!
      All works will be exhibited at the GALLERY@OXO situated on the Thames South Bank in London from 4 - 8 December.

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2024
      Exhibition - Davis Gallery "Winter Exhibition" 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark

      I'm happy to announce that I have several paintings in the Davis Gallery's group exhibition "Winter Exhibition" with a strong group of contemporary artists.
      The exhibition is presented by Davis Gallery Contemporary Art in Bredgade, situated in the city centre of Copenhagen.
      The exhibition will be from 30. November 2024 to 11. January 2024.

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2024
      Censored exhibition - The Royal Institute of Oil Painters (ROI) Annual Exhibition 2024, London, England

      Wonderful news, my newest painting "Little Gems" (Oil on panel, 32x41cm) has been selected for The Royal Institute of Oil Painters (ROI) Annual Exhibition 2024!
      I am so delighted as it is the second time in a row I get the honour to exhibit with the ROI member artists , thank you!
      The Royal Institute of Oil Painters, was founded in 1882 in England, promoting and exhibiting work of the highest standard in oil paint.
      The exhibition will be at Mall Galleries from 28. November to 14. December.

    • _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2024
      Censored Exhibition - "Society of Scottish Artists (SSA) 126th Annual Exhibition" at the Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland
      My oil painting "The Curtsy" is travelling from it's last exhibition at CCA Galleries International, Jersey in the English Channel to Edinburgh, Scotland for the Society of Scottish Artists (SSA) 126th Annual Exhibition! What a busy travelling Bee and Tulip 🙂 The exhibition is at the Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh from 22. November 2024 to 11. December 2024 SSA is an artist-led organisation promoting contemporary arts since 1891. Looking forward coming back to wonderful Edinburgh in November!

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2024
      Censored Exhibition - Zari Gallery - Shortlisted for the Zari Art Prize, London, England I am very excited to have been shortlisted for the Zari Art Prize with my oil painting "Bearded Iris"!
      This includes a group exhibition with 25 artists at the Zari Gallery, contemporary fine art gallery, located in the heart of London's West End.
      The exhibition will run from 11th to 22nd November.

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oktober 2024
      Censored Exhibition - The Royal Ulster Academy (RUA) 143rh Annual Exhibition 2024, Belfast, Northen Ireland My two oil paintings "Forget Me Not" and "Narcissus" have been accepted for THE ROYAL ULSTER ACADEMY (RUA) 143nd ANNUAL EXHIBITION 2024. I am very grateful as this is the 5th time in a row that the Academy has given me the honour to exhibit with some of the best irish artists!. The exhibition will take place at THE ULSTER MUSEUM in Belfast from 18. October 2024 to 6. January 2025. Looking forward to visiting Belfast again. The Academy was founded in 1879 and is the largest and longest established body of practicing visual artists in Northern Ireland today.

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ October 2024
      Exhibition - 'The Gallery' in Holt, Norfolk, England
      I am so delighted and grateful to have been invited to exhibit at 'The Gallery' in Holt, Norfolk, England, for their still life group exhibition "Serendipity". I have 3 oil paintings in the exhibition which runs from 5th October to 12th November. The Gallery, Holt have exhibitions of such high quality hosting some of Britains most respected artists. I am so thrilled to be back on local home ground again!

    • _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ September 2024
      The Lunar Codex - 17th ARC Salon Semi-Finalists
      My painting "Spring in my Step" is going to the moon in a time capsule on September 2025! So my two Dutch Elves on the cup will dance on the moon for a million years for future humans and aliens visiting 🙂
      Congratulations to all the ARC semi finalists, aren't we lucky! Thank you so much Art Renewal Center for this fun experience! Read more: 17th ARC Salon Semi-Finalists in Lunar Codex In partnership with the Art Renewal Center (ARC), the Lunar Codex will now be including all 1,970 + images of semi-finalist works from the 17th ARC Salon in its Polaris archive. This archive is targeting a launch date of September 2025, through NASA mission CLPS-TO-20A, via the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket and the Astrobotic Griffin lunar lander, headed for the lunar south pole.
      To learn more about the Lunar Codex: https://www.lunarcodex.com
      What a good little "Cup" 🙂

    • _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ September 2024
      Semi-finalist - Art Renewal Center 17th international ARC Salon Competition
      One of my newer paintings "Spring in My Step" (oil on panel, 30x30cm), entered for the Art Renewal Center 17th international ARC Salon Competition (New York, USA), have made it to the semi final!
      There were over 5000 entries of which 1979 works were selected. Finalists will be announced in november and winners in January 2025.
      I am incredibly honored and grateful to have been chosen as a semi finalist. Congratulations to all fellow artists from 87 countries who made it through, wonderful! 🙂
      The painting "Spring in My Step" painted in September 2023 has already been travelling and exhibited at Royal Ulster Academy in Belfast, (Northen Ireland) and in Wilma Geerts Galerie in Dordrecht, (Netherlands) and now the painting is on its way for exhibition at The Gallery, Holt in Norfolk (England).
      What a good little "Cup" 🙂

    • _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ September 2024
      Shortlisted - Almenara 2024 Art Prize
      My work""All we Want is Love" (Oil on Canvas 96x134cm) has been shortlisted for the Almenara 2024 Art Prize in Spain.
      I am so thrilled to have been choosen! Thank you so much Almenara Collection! 🙂 Finalists will be announced 30. September.

    • _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ June 2024
      Censored exhibition - "The Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors & Gravers (RMS) annual exhibition 2024", London, England

      I am so excited to have been invited to the Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors & Gravers (RMS) annual exhibition in London!
      RMS presents the must exquisite art you can find but in miniature! I am so proud to have been invited with two of my smallest works that fit the size requirements.
      RMS was founded in 1896 and King Edward VII granted the Royal Charter in 1905.
      The exhibition will run from 26. June to 6. July at the Bankside Gallery in London (next to the Tate Modern Museum).

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ June 2024
      Censored exhibition - "The Society of Women Artist (SWA) 163th Annual Exhibition 2024", London, England

      I'm happy to announce that three of my paintings have been accepted for the Society of Women Artists 163st annual Exhibition. The exhibition will be at Mall Galleries in London from 25th June to 29th June.
      This year I will also do a public demonstration on how to use the "Zorn palette" Thursday 27th, 11am to 1pm, in Mall Galleries.
      The Society of Women Artists (SWA) is a British art body dedicated to celebrating and promoting fine art created by women. It was founded as the Society of Female Artists (SFA) in about 1855, offering women artists the opportunity to exhibit and sell their works. Annual exhibitions have been held in London since 1857.

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ June 2024
      Exhibition - Davis Gallery "Pop Up Portrait" 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark

      I am happy to announce that I will participate in Davis Gallery, Contemporary Art "Pop Up Portrait" exhibition 26. to 29. June. I will be exhibiting with some of the finest contemporary portrait painters in Denmark mastering the art of the portrait each with their own individual interpretation: Anne Koldso, Carsten Krogstrup, Christina Mosegaard, Artist Daniel Goldenberg The exhibition will only be on display 4 days so don't miss it 🙂
      The exhibition is presented by Davis Gallery, Contemporary Art in Bredgade, situated in the city centre of Copenhagen. The exhibition will be from 26. to 29. June 2024.

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ June 2024
      Censored Exhibition - "CCA Galleries International Summer Exhibition, 2024", at CCA Galleries, Jersey, England

      I am so delighted to have been selected for the "CCA Galleries International Summer Exhibition" with my two works "Curtsy" and "Purple Rain". CCA Galleries is situated in the beautiful St. Helier, Jersey in the English Channel
      The exhibition will run from 27 June to 28 July.

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ June 2024
      Censored Exhibition - "The Royal Birmingham Society of Artists (RBSA) Summer Exhibition, 2024", at RBSA Gallery, Birmingham, England

      I am so delighted to have been selected for the The Royal Birmingham Society of Artists (RBSA Gallery) Summer Exhibition with my work "Composition in Blue and Yellow". The RBSA dates back to 1814.
      The RBSA has had some very notable members throughout it's history and played an influential role within the Pre-Raphaelite and Arts and Crafts movements.
      Members and past presidents include Sir Robert Peel, William Morris, Edward Burne-Jones, John Everett Millais, Lord Leighton, Bernard Fleetwood-Walker, Sir Charles Wheeler PRA and William Gear.
      So I am thrilled to be part of a long tradition in Birmingham!
      The exhibition will run from 12 June to 20 July.

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ June 2024
      Exhibition - Galerie Knud Grothe "Kvinder der maler kvinder" 2024, Denmark

      Galerie Knud Grothe presents the group exhibition "Kvinder der maler kvinder" together with many female artists. I have 4 new paintings exhibited e.g. "Amy Sleeping". Exhibition period is 8. June to 30. June.

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ June 2024
      Censored Exhibition - "Society of Botanical Artists" SBA, exhibition "Plantae 2024", Online, England

      My oil painting "Narcissus" has been accepted for the SBA - The Society of Botanical Artists in England. I was lucky to exhibit with the society last year at the Mall Galleries in London and it was such a wonderful experience seeing so many incredible paintings and drawings of the highest quality. Meeting fellow artists with the same passion as I have for botanical beauty and for the natural world was sheer joy!. This year the exhibition is on-line from 1. to 30. June

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Marts 2024
      Finalist exhibition - "Malamegi Lab ART PRIZE", at Imagoars, Venice, Italy

      I am so delighted and grateful to have been selected finalist for the Malamegi Lab ART PRIZE exhibiting in VENICE!
      My oil painting “Hope” (2024) has been selected, so my rescue chick flies away for the first time, and then to Venice! Happy chick, happy me! 😊 Congratulations to the 11 other international finalist artists!

      11-25 May, 2024
      Imagoars | VENICE | ITALY

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Marts 2024
      Finalist exhibition - "MiniARTures 2024" - FIKVA - Figuratieve Kunst Vandaag", at Wilma Geerts Galerie in Dordrecht, The Netherlands

      I am so delighted that my oil painting "Spring in My Step" has been accepted for the MiniARTures 2024 - FIKVA - Figuratieve Kunst Vandaag.
      56 finalist works, by many of my favourite artists, will be exhibited at the Wilma Geerts Galerie in Dordrecht, The Netherlands from the 11. May to 25. August 2024.
      𝐺𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑦 𝑃𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐴𝑟𝑡
      Spring in My Step / Oil on Panel / 36 x 36

    • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

      See more in News archive: news, articles, videos, photos etc. starting in 1989